Wednesday, 25 March 2020


Plans for Shoot

In this shoot, I will be looking into a photographer who presents the appearance of shadows using artificial light. I will research into shadow photography techniques and create my own shoot taking influence from my photographer research and general research into shadow photography. However, for my shoot, I will take my own interpretation using human figures for my shadows, to keep in theme with my intentions for my final pieces and further vary my skills in my portraiture work.

Brassai was a Hungarian-French photographer whose fame rose with his work in France and Paris. Brassai created the book 'Paris de Nuit', translated to 'Paris by Night', that captured numerous photos of Paris at its most isolated times within the night. The strong streetlights reveal the empty pavements, sometimes accompanied by the homeless, prostitutes and thugs. I did further analysis into Brassai's work on the blog post 'Photographer Research - Brassai'.

Shadow Techniques
Noun - the treatment of light and shade in drawing and painting.
         an effect of contrasted light and shadow.
The word chiaroscuro is Italian for light and shadow. It refers to the use of light and shadow to create the illusion of light from a specific source shining on the figures and objects.

Rembrandt lighting is a lighting technique that is used in studio portrait photography. It can be achieved using one light and a reflector, or two lights, and is popular because it is capable of producing images which appear both natural and compelling with a minimum of equipment.

Gupta, K (2018), "5 Tips for Mastering Shadows in Your Photography", [], (Accessed: 13/03/2020)

Sebald, B (2019), "Low-Key Photography: How To Shoot Shadow Photos with Inexpensive Gear", [], (Accessed: 13/03/2020)

Richman-Abdou, K (2017), "How to Capture Bold and Beautiful Photographs Using Shadows", [], (Accessed: 13/03/2020)

Andre Kertesz

Daido Moriyama

Image bank
These are a few photos of Brassai's work from his book 'Paris de Nuit', translated to 'Paris by Night'.

Contact sheet
These are all the photos from the shoot.

Best Photos
These are the best-selected photos from the shoot.

Photos that require improvement
These two photos I believe require improvement, this is due to the focal length and exposure settings. Both photos were set at aperture F4.5, shutter speed at 1/40sec and exposure at ISO6400; the focal length being 51mm. The issue here was that the ISO was not sensitive enough, making the negative space around the shadow too dark so the shadow blends too well. Also, since the setting was so dark, the camera was unable to focus onto the shadow; I later improved this by putting a subject onto the wall so the camera would be able to focus before I took the photos.

AO3: Record ideas, observations, and insights relevant to intentions reflecting critically on work and progress.

My Ideas

My intention for this shoot was to experiment with the presentation of shadows of human figures to continue my influence on portraiture. To do this I had to research into the photographer Brassai who presented deeply contrasted photos of streetlight lit streets, presenting many various shadow forms. Brassai didn't appear to have a specific photo technique the only common quality is the photos being highly contrasted so areas of the streets are defined with a high tone range. I feel I was successful in this aspect of the shadows, as in my editing shown later, I was able to create a deep contrast with the shadows and the negative space. I believe my photos are effective in creating a curious sense to the viewer, similar to Brassai's work; this is because the silhouette created can only give so much information about what is happening in the photo, so the viewer wants to understand more.

Reference to best photos
I selected this photo as one of the best because of its dramatic composition. The arched back and neck creates a curve in the body expression that could suggest stress or over-emotion. The one revealed arm stretched out to the face suggests distress on the subject, as if they feel faint or even anger. This composition appears as a typical appearance of someone in a dramatic state, and that's whats effective about it.

I selected this photo as one of the best because of its masculine energy. The shadow appears to be burly and defined in the bicep area as if a common male figure. Also, the presentation of hair appears short and choppy, with the ear revealed, suggesting the hair is short similar to typical males hair.

I selected this photo as one of the best because of its painting-esc appearance. The composition of my silhouette appears very formal and staged. It can remind a viewer of vintage photos where subjects would have to stay in one position for a long period of time for the photo to be taken.

AO2Explore and select appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques and processes, reviewing and refining ideas as work develops.

Shoot Process/Use of Camera

For this shoot, I used a basic torch light positioned to the back-right of the camera that faces an area of a wall; and I would stand next to the camera so I create a shadow onto the wall that the camera is capturing. I used a tripod and self-timer to capture the wall and shadow. I increased the focal length to 51mm so it only framed the shadow and placed a subject on the wall so the camera can focus onto the wall so there is no blur before setting the timer. I used my Nikon D3400 camera and the settings were shutter speed 1/30sec, aperture F4.5, and exposure ISO12800. Once the timer was set I'd remove the subject to help the camera focus, then stand next to the camera and in front of the light to create a shadow on the wall for the camera to capture.


Brassai's work presents a deep contrast to define areas of the streets. I edited my photos so they also had a deep contrast.

Firstly, I pressed CTRL+J to copy the original photo layer so I could go back to it if I made any mistakes. Then pressing CTRL+SHIFT+U I removed all the colour from the photo so the blue tones wouldn't affect the contrast in the photo.
This is the before and after effect.
Next, I added an adjustment layer called 'gradient map', this was to help increase the contrast. By clicking on the gradient bar, it opens the 'gradient editor'. Here I increased the black area to 15% and the white area to 65%, this created a deep contrast.

Here are all the completed layers.
Here is the before and after of the edit.

AO1: Develop ideas through sustained and focused investigations informed by contextual and other sources, demonstrating analytical and critical understanding.

Through my research, I was able to learn various shadow-making techniques and terms used in art to explain shadow work. I also was able to evaluate a talented photographer, Brassai, and his work where shadows are often displayed and created an eerie atmosphere. His work inspired me to create more dramatic and theatrical atmospheres in my photos.

AO4: Present a personal and meaningful response that realises intentions and, where appropriate, makes connections between visual and other elements. 

Here are my final pieces.


Overall, I feel Brassai's work creates an expectancy to the viewer of motion or something more to the photo, by the presentation of empty streets in their most isolated hours. I only took the aspect of shadows from his work, which created an eerie atmosphere and emphasis on the isolated period, which I feel I was able to create in my work due to there only being one subject in the shadows and the dark setting around them. I personally feel this shoot was successful, however, I feel little inspiration with this composition and feel I should move onto something more lively and vibrant involving portraiture and artificial light. Therefore, for my next shoot, I will look into a more lively presentation of artificial light and will try to recreate this.

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